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142 results (2/9)

Nagoya-City KOMEDA’S Coffee, Main Location

KOMEDA'S Coffee is now a nationally acclaimed chain cafe. The long-standing cafe made its start in the Nishi-ku area of Nagoya in 1968, and Nagoya thus enjoys more locations than any other area wit...

202 seats

Nagoya-City Kitchen OUMI

Nagoya-City Miya Kishimen Jingu Location

As it is located on the grounds of the Atsuta Shrine, this restaurant has filled the stomachs of many visitors. The noodles are rather thick and have a chewy texture. The toppings of aburaage, spin...

Nagoya-City Kishimentei Hoshigaoka

Established in 1877, Kishimentei places emphasis on the taste experience and the heart-to-heart relationship with customers. We strive to hear our customers say "it's delicious!" Menus include uniq...

Nagoya-City Miya Kishimen Ihyoue

This is a valuable kishimen specialty restaurant that can be used for business meals, as it has private rooms lined with tatami and banquet course meals. There are also creative kishimen and season...

40 seats (9 tables and 2 private rooms)

Nagoya-City Sumiyoshi JR Nagoya Station Tokyo-bound Shinkansen Platform Branch

Kishimen are flat noodles and one of Nagoya's specialties. Made famous by the kishimen noodle stands on most of JR Nagoya Station's shinkansen and local train platforms. Easy to slurp and the aroma...

Nagoya-City WAKASHACHIYA Nishikiten

A curry udon chain restaurant out of Nagoya. Offering rich curry and firm, thick noodles, the curry has a kick while still being good for all ages. Create your preferred curry with the wide variety...

Nagoya-City Sapporo Kanihonke Sakae Chuo

Kani kaiseki? Kanisuki kaiseki? From good value to extravagant, there are traditional Japanese crab-oriented set meals to suit every budget, including at lunchtime. There are also la carte crab dis...